
A Gift We Can Give Ourselves — 5 Comments

  1. As a member of your group women of the word, I can honestly say that it is very beneficial to me to be surrounded by a group of women who are striving to do better. And though our sins might not be those that you list and seem so small, they are struggles nonetheless. Sins such as worrying, not trusting in God’s Providence, and not trusting the people around you, being constantly suspicious, erodes friendships and relationships. Being in community with people who are also struggling with being human has made a huge difference in my life. Thank you.

    • It’s lovely to hear from you again on Today Can Be Different, Elizabeth!
      I agree with everything you said. There are many areas in which we need God’s help regarding our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior.
      I’m so glad God brought you to our Women of the Word group! We hope to see you at our next meeting on Tuesday, August 6. (One of us can pick you up.)

  2. I am thankful for being a part of Woman ‘s Bible study ‘s and ,be able to pray with and for one another. One study we did had a great impact on me. Was learning to prayer like Paul. One thing I grasped in that period. Was asking God to open the eyes of my heart that I may see others through his eyes. I am thankful that through these studies we hold each other accountable.

    • Good to hear, Susan! The benefits of small groups are endless. I’m glad you’re able to attend a good one, Susan. Your Christian walk shows it.

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