
Are You Ready To Stop Backsliding? — 5 Comments

  1. Yes, when our love for the Lord grows deeper we want to please Him with our thoughts and actions! We don’t have to be entangled with our sins when we are embraced by our Savior; He loves us too much to leave us alone to our own devices. We are victorious when we surrender to the One who created us in His image! Thanks Sheryl!✝️

    • Exactly!! Our heavenly Father’s love for us often protects us even from ourselves.
      Thank you, Kim, for stopping by and leaving another insightful comment.

  2. I have learned over the past year as I am reading my Bible daily,lifting prayers up to God for guidance for me and needs of others.i am walking closer with him.I am asking him to help me see others through his eyes and, also to love my husband more today than yesterday. It is a work in progress but,I am thankful for God ‘s love and guidance daily

    • Me too, Susan! Not only do we personally gain from regular time in God’s Word and His presence, but the people with whom we share life also benefit!
      Great comment, Susan.

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