
Do You Feel Disconnected In Your Relationships? — 4 Comments

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  2. How different would we feel about ourselves (and, more importantly, others) if we abided (lingered, remained) in God’s incredible love? Perhaps it would help us see others as people who need to know God’s love too.

  3. Loving others comes naturally when we abide with the Lord by spending time with Him. He helps us to see how He loves others, and gives us a servant heart to love them, too! My mom has dementia and even though most of the time when I call, I’m talking with my sister, mom is off in another world, I believe she senses that comfort in being around family. I go and sing old hymns at assisted living places with others from our church, and the residents not only appreciate our singing but also our company every time we go! We always enjoy our time together! There are so many ways to give away God’s love and joy to others around you with His Holy Spirit indwelling in your heart! Thanks Sheryl!

    • I agree! The closer I walk with Jesus – the more time I spend with Him – the better my relationships are.
      Thank you, Kim!

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