
Do You Need Help When Praying for Your Spouse? — 11 Comments

  1. I’m thankful for God’s gentle correction about whom I’m praying for. He reminds me that I’m praying for … my husband. A part of me. A part of my flesh.

  2. WOW Sheryl,
    You have NO idea how much your post hit right on target today!
    My husband & I have been at SERIOUS odds over a Thanksgiving week disagreement . I feel hurt to the core & he sees me as the one at fault.
    He is sleeping downstairs in his mancave & not speaking.
    It’s been SO difficult to pray…
    Thank you for your inspiration & insight.

    • Hi, ML. I am so, so, SO sorry for the pain you and your husband are each experiencing right now. Thank you for reading my post and for sharing how we can pray for both of you.
      I will pray for you and your husband, ML.
      Thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different. Please keep in touch.

  3. Sheryl This hit me right in my heart. I know you and I have talked about praying for our spouses before. I am a work in progress. I want the holy spirit to guide me on how to pray for my husband. I may share this article with him.So He will know how to pray for me. I really am thankful you are allowing God to use your talents of ministering to others .Let ML know I will pray for her and her husband.

    • I love your comment, Susan, on so many levels. I especially love that you will be sharing this with Lance so that you can both more effectively pray for each other. AND I am thrilled to let ML know that you will be praying for her and her husband.
      I appreciate you, Susan.

  4. ML and Susan, let’s pray for each other ~ and our husbands ~ that God will help us pray for our spouses and our marriages!

  5. Immediately when I sense tension between Tom and me, I pray that God softens our hearts towards one another and that I appreciate Tom more for who he is and in all he does for me! Then we see the way the Lord wants us to be together as one! One in Spirit and in flesh. Thanks Sheryl!✝️❤️

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