God Loves You – And That’s No April Fool’s
I would be devastated if God was a detached god. One who created us and then sat back and left us to fend for ourselves.
A god who left us in our sins with no plan of rescue or hope for a transformed life.
Imagine the level of despair we’d feel. The chaos. Picture how hard life would be. How lonely.
Thankfully, God, Almighty God, loves us deeply.
If you’re like me, the more time you spend with our Heavenly Father, the more you know He loves you. The more we read His Word (the Bible), the more we’re convinced that we’re not alone. It always amazes me whenever He shows me how much He cares about even my simplest circumstances.
In every detail of our lives – in challenging times as well as in the ordinary day-to-day – the Lord is there. Because He loves us dearly, we can trust our powerful, wise and compassionate God with everything that’s going on in our lives.
God loves … you. But perhaps you don’t love Him. Or maybe you don’t think anyone, especially God, could love you.
I wish my fingers would type out just the right words that would convince you that Jesus is everything He says He is and everything I know Him to be. Words that would convince you that Almighty God cares about everything you care about – especially where you would spend eternity.
What would it take for you to believe in such an incredible concept that the Creator of all things loved you? What proof would you need? How about Romans 5:8 (ESV): “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”? Other translations use “demonstrates” and “proves” in place of “shows.” Did you catch the best part of this verse? Jesus died for you – before you even knew you needed a Savior (One Who delivers you from evil, including sin). He loves you so profoundly that He would do anything to prove (demonstrate) His love for you.
God. Loves. You.
In Him, you are never left to fend for yourself. In Him, you can find mercy and the strength to repent and turn in a new direction – and live with this amazing God forever in eternity.
And that’s no April Fool’s.
What about you?
I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post. (Your comment might also benefit others.)
- How would your entire life change if you truly believed (became absolutely convinced) that God loves you – so much so that He died for you?
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Jesus died for you – before you even knew you needed a Savior (One Who delivers you from evil, including sin).