
God Loves You – Unconditionally and Without Fail — 7 Comments

  1. This is so convicting, because if we are all honest here, only Christ’s love for us is perfect. I’ll admit when I rely on His love for me to truly love others, especially my husband, since he is the one I’m with the most, it’s amazing the difference it makes. Praying for a deeper love for your spouse or any relationship is key in following the Lord’s footsteps for a better union with all relationships, especially with the One who created us! Thanks Sheryl! I’ve been praying for improved relationships all around, and it’s made an amazing difference!‍❤️‍

    • Truth: Just writing this brought me much conviction too, Kim. But I always appreciate it when God convicts me of my unloving ways.
      I love the way you said, “Praying for a deeper love for your spouse or any relationship is key in following the Lord’s footsteps for a better union with all relationships, especially with the One who created us!”
      Well said, Kim.

      • Keep praying and a miracle can take place through the grace of the Lord

  2. Since my epiphany just a few years ago and asking the Lord to give me the strength to change my whole perspective and unconditionally love my husband and daughters.
    Through a lot of prayers and skepticism from my husband at first, my marriage and relations with my 3 daughters is perfect. There is no arguing or disagreements. At first when my husband tried to have a heated discussion,I’d say a silent prayer,not comment and let him argue by himself.
    It’s truly amazing and he helps me with little things and tells me every day how wonderful it was with me.
    It’s a true miracle.
    Of course, messages on Heart”wings and yours have helped me stay balanced.

    • I LOVE hearing how God changes His people who are willing to yield to Him, Sandra. Your comments constantly affirm how God does—and continues to—transform us.
      Thank you for the compliment. (I miss Heart”wings” too, by the way.)

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