
God Wants to Set You Free From Secret Sins — 7 Comments

  1. Isn’t it wonderful that God knows every nuance of our being! He created us after all and knows our hearts and thoughts! I’m so glad we can go to His Throne of Grace and confess our indiscretions without fear of rejection; in fact nothing we do will ever separate us from His love! Isn’t that truth so amazing? Holy Father we know you know us better than we know ourselves. Help us to be honest about ourselves and transparent about our weaknesses, so that you can help us in our times of need! Thanks Sheryl!✝️️

    • Hi, Kim. I was so happy to see your comment! My site has been down for a few days – and suffered many problems for the past several weeks. Thank you for your patience.
      Once again, I love your comment, Kim. So true!!
      And . . . Amen to your beautiful prayer.

  2. Good morning Sheryl. Glad your site is back working again. Ilove your devotional today. I love how our Heavenly Father knows us so well. He and I are walking closer together and, yet it has been challenging for me. Since when I know I am doing his will with someone or in a situation and,next thing I know I am called out by a friend. I know it is the devil shooting darts at me. Since he doesn’t like that I am leaning on God more. Hope I am making sense.

    • Thank you for the compliment, Susan. And thank you for your patience while my site was down.
      I’m happy to hear your walk with God is getting stronger and stronger – which makes Satan mad.
      Not sure exactly what you mean by “called out by a friend.” Are you saying that a friend “calls you] out” with a word of correction (criticism)?
      Thank you again for stopping by and leaving a comment, Susan.

      • Sheryl that is a good question. When God shows me the answer because, right now I am in confusion. Asking God to open the eyes of my heart to what He wants me to do not,my human nature wants.

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