What Is It Like Being A Pastor or A Pastor’s Wife?
What is it like to walk in your pastors’ shoes? Does being your pastor bring them joy? Or does it make them groan?
Continue reading →What is it like to walk in your pastors’ shoes? Does being your pastor bring them joy? Or does it make them groan?
Continue reading →Whether our trial causes only temporary, albeit unwanted, adjustments, or if life suddenly changes in drastic, more permanent ways, I hope we’ll experience God’s presence as we meditate on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and allow God’s Holy Spirit to change how we respond to our trials.
Continue reading →Every bad decision we made years, months, days – or even minutes – ago affects us (and possibly those we share life with). We may never know how much our actions steal from us and others around us. Choosing to obey God’s directions can be hard, but not as hard as living with the consequences of sin. This is why I’m forever thankful God is in the business of redemption. While this doesn’t mean He’ll remove the consequences of our choices, it does mean that, after we repent, we can move forward with a clean heart.
Continue reading →When you think about some of the worst acts you’ve ever committed, can you recall how you got to that point? One wrong thought gave way to another, which led to an immoral choice, which gave birth to a lie. The lie led to another wrong thought, another immoral choice, another lie.
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