
What Kind Of Effect Do You Have On Others? — 7 Comments

  1. This is certainly sobering. And I love what David said: “I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you” Psalm 51:13

    • I love David’s response too, Barbara. It shows true remorse over his sin — and an awareness of how sin can destroy other people’s lives as well.

  2. <3 Sheryl, thank you for your powerful message for today in which you encourage us to examine the way in which we are living our lives so that we are not a bad influence on our friends and family. As I reflect on your words, I can fully see that: "If we, like David, allow the Holy Spirit to break our hearts over our sin and cultivate in us a healthy fear of Him, God will use us in ways we can only imagine in our friends’ and family’s lives. Perhaps even in the lives of those who haven’t yet chosen to follow Christ." May we live in God's will for our lives and not stray from the path He has placed us on. Amen! <3 I am both honored and blessed to share your message on my Timeline. <3

    • Amen! Amen!! Lord, help us to live in Your will.
      Thank you, Joyce. AND thank you for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page.

  3. Repentance takes a load off of us. We seem to have a fresh start and a new beginning. Cleansing ourselves can become a wonderful habit if regularly practiced.

  4. When the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sin, David pled with God for forgiveness and promised, “I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you” Psalm 51:13 (ESV).

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