
Waiting For That Dream Opportunity? — 10 Comments

  1. When the door turns to be someone’s else,I will clap for them,and continue to trust HIM until my time comes.
    In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

    • Beautiful comment, Linda. I’ve often admired your faith – especially considering your circumstances. Please don’t give up. Because, indeed, your time will come – God is faithful!

  2. <3 Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message for today in which you encourage us to remember that God, in His perfect wisdom, opens doors of opportunity for us as He chooses. As Christians, may we never lose sight of His work behind the scenes in our lives and in the lives of others. May we follow your good advice to trust in His timing. Amen! <3 I am both honored and blessed to share your message on my Timeline. <3

  3. Mrs. Sheryl, I always say What God has for me is for me and it won’t miss me. So if a door opens for someone and I’ve been waiting on this door, I will thank God for what is to come, be still and wait on Him. Easier said than done. But I trust God that my door is Delayed, not denied!

    • GREAT comment, Brianna. A while ago, several years ago, you posted something about “big doors” of opportunities. Thank you for being the inspiration behind this devotion.
      AND thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different. I hope you do so often!

  4. Yes it boils down to our focus. What or who are we looking at?
    “When we focus on our desire and ambition, we can easily lose sight of God’s will.”

    And I love your comment about God blessing whom he will. We need to keep everything in his will and about him. It’s impossible to get through this in God’s will if we aren’t focused on him but our own desires. God may have a higher calling for us; perhaps to bring us closer to him. Closer than those who seemingly have the blessing we covet.

  5. Perhaps Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV) can keep our thoughts, motivations and emotions on the right path:

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

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