
A Reason To Celebrate Getting Older – And Older — 13 Comments

  1. I completely agree to the latter part of your message. I often look in the mirror and wonder where the years went.
    The way the world is spiraling out of control, I’ve been focusing more and more on my eternal home. It’s going to be so wonderful and our bodies and health will be transformed. What’s not to celebrate about. We’re just passing through. Jesus has given me another day on earth to worship Him

    • WONDERFUL perspective, Sandra.
      I too am so looking forward to heaven. But in the meantime, I will (like you) worship our Lord every day I remain on this earth.

  2. October 20th I will be 82. I thank God every single day for the privilege of living one more day! And my husband is 83, and he cycled 42 miles today with 3,300 feet of elevation!
    On December 21st, we celebrate our 60th anniversary! PTL!

    • Welcome to Today Can Be Different, Gloria.
      Wow!! Very impressive, to both of you. And Happy early Birthday, Gloria ~
      Also . . . Happy and very blessed 60th anniversary in December!!
      Thank you so much for stopping by, Gloria. You and your husband are such an inspiration.

  3. Good morning Lady! I am just seeing this. I really am thankful for every day God blesses me with. So I can serve him more .Believe me I am facing challenges right now but He is showing me heis working things out.I.may not know what He is doing but,I am thankful for everything He has done for me.

    • Beautiful comment, Susan. You and I can pray for each other as trust in God’s compassion and goodness ~ and in His marvelous sovereignty!

  4. What a beautiful response. Yes,God us truly wonderful,helping us daily even through trials and disabilities. Sweet Jesus walks with me as He does with you.
    Have a blessed day.

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