God’s Grace Is Real
No matter how much you’ve sinned, God’s grace is greater. The prodigal son thought he had lost everything, but his father ran to meet him with open arms. This is exactly how God feels about you.
Continue reading →No matter how much you’ve sinned, God’s grace is greater. The prodigal son thought he had lost everything, but his father ran to meet him with open arms. This is exactly how God feels about you.
Continue reading →Is it time for you to rise and go to your heavenly Father? Wouldn’t now be a good time to take that first step toward a closer relationship with God?
Continue reading →Self-esteem is a fragile thing, especially when we don’t base it on what God’s Word says about us. In the past, I based my self-worth on what I did (or didn’t) accomplish or what others thought of me. My relentless need to be loved and accepted drove me to unhealthy relationships, which left emotional scars.
Continue reading →When was the last time you really laughed with your spouse? You can almost hear Tom Hanks’ voice paraphrasing his famous line from “A League of Their Own,” “There’s no laughter in marriage!” But what if the laughter in your marriage really was gone?
Continue reading →How different would we feel about ourselves (and, more importantly, others) if we abided (lingered, remained) in God’s incredible love? Perhaps it would help us see others as people who need to know God’s love too. Maybe it would motivate us to actively love those with whom we work and live with the same way God loves us.
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