Do We Understand Why Jesus Was Crucified?
During my high school years, I thought I’d automatically go to heaven because of my religious affiliation. I didn’t fully understand how the gospel message applied to me.
Continue reading →During my high school years, I thought I’d automatically go to heaven because of my religious affiliation. I didn’t fully understand how the gospel message applied to me.
Continue reading →Allow yourself to get to know God a bit more each day. Try reading the Bible (the book of John is a good place to start). Take a few minutes to think about what you read and talk to God about what’s on your heart. Discover how much your heavenly Father loves you.
Continue reading →It’s important that we never minimize God’s holiness. He is Almighty and deserves our complete respect and obedience. But even when we fail to revere or obey Him, this same mighty God still loves us and wants us to draw near to Him.
Continue reading →The weeks leading up to Easter will be a good time to reflect on the significance of Calvary and the empty tomb. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus suffered, died and rose again so that today I can live—and eat—free from oppression. The same power that enabled Jesus to triumph over the grave continues to empower me to triumph over the sin that tried to destroy me so many years ago.
Continue reading →As we strengthen ourselves in God’s Word, we’ll make wiser choices and exercise more restraint. Each time we resist a second helping of pasta and turn off the TV, not only will we step toward a more fulfilling life, we’ll gain more confidence in our ability to yield to God’s grace.
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