
Do You Lack Motivation? — 11 Comments

  1. You have spoken directly into my life. I am very much caught in a season of procrastination. And along with it comes self-doubt and depression. Thank you for addressing this topic. I wish I could say that I have done something to combat it -other than wish I could do better and feel guilty for failing. I will set my timer -and ask for God’s strength to enable me to accomplish His will.

    • I LOVE your comment, Paula, on at least two levels:
      1. Your honesty.
      2. Your decision to take action!

      Please let us know how you do after setting your timer, Paula. I’m praying for you!
      AND thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different. I’ve missed you.

  2. Hello, everyone. If this post speaks to you, remember . . .
    You still have a few hours left in your day. These hours can be the best part of your day – if you want them to be. How will you use these hours?

  3. Hmmmm… It’s 1:22 PM. I need to prepare a devotional for a meeting at 6:00 this evening. I think I’ve found my topic!

  4. Self discipline and motivation are the two words that really gripped me with this one! I will definitely start a wash today and my kitchen sink is clear of any dishes! I believe I’m off to a good start! Thanks Sheryl!️

  5. If you’re having trouble getting out of a procrastination season … shoot for progress, not perfection. Set the timer for 5 minutes and see what you can get done!

  6. Iam doing better this week. My biggest challenge at times is because, I clean for others is keeping on task with things at our place. I am thankful for the help my husband lends me at home. I am also thankful that God gives me the energy and strength for me to get some exercise worked into my routine. I am still a work in progress but,thankful with God’s help I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

    • I’ve OFTEN admired you, Susan, on many levels. Your constant reaching out to help others has been such an example of the kind of life I want to live. Thank you for modeling Christ so well.

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