
Enviable Peace — 10 Comments

  1. This is a good word Sheryl. And it is only from God we get joy unspeakable through our circumstances.

  2. God’s prefect peace is a blessing. To know I can call out to him at any time. Either rejoicing in what has happened or,when I need him to carry me through the moment!

    • Hello, Susan. It’s so nice to see you again on Today Can Be Different.
      I love your comment – especially the last sentence. Thank you for reminding us to rejoice in what has already happened and when we need God to carry us through the moment.
      I so agree: God’s perfect peace is a blessing!!

  3. Sheryl, You have a unique way of describing the issues many of us suffer from! Thank you so much for your BLOG – I agree that there is tremendous inner peace to be had for those who follow God. So often I have had people ask me how I can be so calm in times of anxiety. I have learned to give all of my problems and cares to God and let Him know I know He has a plan and that I am ready and willing to do my part.

    • Thank you, Wanda, for the compliment. (Please pray as I continue to write.)
      I love your comment!
      AND … it was great seeing you at our Ladies Accountability Group yesterday.

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