
Experiencing Joy In The New Year – In The Midst Of Sorrow — 5 Comments

  1. I’m so glad that God’s mercies are new every morning, and His love is unfailing and never ending! I do believe these truths, as I would be in a bad way if I didn’t. My father’s been gone over 25 years and my mom is in another world with her dementia, but I have been blessed with my wonderful husband, my two sons, their wives and my three grandsons! I also have a loving brother and two sisters who are dear to me, along with my best friend; what more could I ever want in this life. I’m truly blessed! Thanks Sheryl for encouraging us through every devotion you write! What a Godly friend we have in you and the rest of our group on POTSy Praise, too! We love you!️

    • You and the people at POTSy Praise are indeed blessed in so many ways, Kim.
      And thank you for the compliment – and for your encouragement. It means a lot.

  2. I want you to experience the same love and mercy as He has shown many of us. When life is too much to bear . . . God’s grace, power and mercy are real. Allow Him to prove it to you.

  3. Sheryl I Love that our God is walking with us daily. I am leaning on God ‘s strength this year to get through the holiday season. Serveral family and friends have gone to be with him. Yet I am thankful for my Mom still being here with us. Also for my husband and daughters and their partners. I have to admit through my Dad passing 8 years ago. My Mom and I have grown closer to each other with God’s help . Thank you for your weekly devotional and,how you challenge me.

    • Hi, Susan. I’m sorry you and your family have experienced so many losses ~ and I rejoice with you for those you still have with you!
      I pray 2025 will be an especially blessed year for each of you.
      And thank you for your compliment, dear friend. Your encouragement helps more than you know.

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