
Forgiving Our Parents — 13 Comments

  1. Glad to read this post and reflect on it. I have friends in their sixties who still talk about never having felt love from their parents yet they were very well cared for in so many ways. I never had so much as they were given, but either I felt loved more or else I did not feel the need for constant hugs, kisses, and being told, “I love you,” to feel loved. To compare the childhoods way back then to now when children are typically more doted on can make people feel likd they did miss out. I do feel sad for my friends who seem forever wounded in this manner. I do consider my “depression era” parents and their background as the reason I was never given much in the material sense.

  2. What an appropriate message.
    I won’t go into any details about being victimized, but I’ve moved on inspire of the trauma. It took me many years of counseling and prayers and I can say that it’s no longer an issue.
    I left it all at the cross and that’s what I would tell my entire family.
    The Lord has worked so many miracles in my life and I’m a completely transformed child of God.
    Thank you once again for posting pertinent messages so that it gives many people the chance to respond.
    For me,it’s like a declaration given by God.

    • I SO appreciate your comment, Sandra. (As I always do.) Praise God for His continued work in each of us!
      And thank you again for stopping by Today Can Be I always look forward to your comments, Sandra.

  3. Forgiveness, kindness and love are so important for healing in all relationships and especially with our parents and children, since we are parents to them. Nobody’s perfect except for Jesus, but when we depend on Him alone it’s amazing the difference it can make! Thanks Sheryl!✝️

    • Indeed! Trusting in Christ alone makes an incredible difference in the way we relate to one another.
      Thank you, Kim, for stopping by!

  4. I really liked Kim’s response. Letting Jesus help was with our parents or our children can make a big difference. No matter what, prayers help in any situation.

    • Exactly! We can never go wrong when we let Jesus help us with our relationships, especially as a parent of as a child.
      Thank you, Sandra, for stopping by I always appreciate it.

  5. When I apologize to my now adult daughter about some of the parenting mistakes I made, the response is often met with humor. It may have been upsetting at that time, but now is looked upon with smiles.

    As a parent, one thing I learned is that one is always moving into uncharted territory. We have never been there before. Just when we think we have figured out childhood, the pre-teen and then teen years come followed by young adult. It’s all new. Yes, we went through those years, but we were not parents. So, don’t feel so guilty if mistakes are made. Just learn from them.

    • Hello, Robert. I sense many heads nodding as we read your comment!
      Thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different again, Robert. We love hearing from you.

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