
God is available to meet with you right now — 8 Comments

  1. Hi Cheryl,

    I subscribed to your blog some time ago and promptly forgot all about it.

    This arrived in my in box at exactly the right moment and feel you must have written it just for me.

    I was carrying out some things I was not proud of and told myself it was for the right reasons. I then met the most wonderful Christian man I have ever known, but I have hurt him badly and at this moment I am sitting in my bed, in London, England crying and feeling very sorry for myself.

    We are planning to make a life together and I wanted to stop my behaviour, but was too weak to make the final decision. Whilst having a WhatsApp call, he asked me if I had been busy and I told him what I had been doing. My idea was to discuss my behaviour with him and plan the way out.

    It had the opposite affect to what I expected and it has caused him a lot of pain. We have spent hours discussing the situation and hopefully he is sleeping.

    I always try to do the right thing, be open and honest, but on this occasion, I wish I had kept my thoughts between me and God. I have jepodised the one thing in my life that I want the most, for the sake of clearing my own conscience. I do wish God would search my heart and tell me what lessons I should learn from this.

    I have been waiting for the answer and your blog appeared, so I suspect you will have the best advice on this.

    I see you are happily married and I wish you all the best, but I fear I have messed up my chances of a happy marriage.

    • Hi, Linda. My heart aches for you. I think most of us can relate to your story, in one way or another. My prayer for you is that you will continue to draw comfort from your heavenly Father trusting Him to complete the work He’s already begun in you. As you continue leaning on His truth and obeying His Word, you will begin to reap a brighter future.
      Please don’t give up, Linda. God is faithful. Don’t listen to the discouraging thoughts echoing in your heart right now. Spend LOTS of time reading the Bible. Cast ALL of your anxiety and cares on your heavenly Father’s shoulder. Rejoice KNOWING that He loves you and knows how to guide you through this.
      Please keep in touch and thank you so much for sharing with us.

  2. Hello Sheryl, My name is William and I’m Linda Christian man. I would like to tell you and your readers we serve a mighty God but you already know that. Early this Sunday morning 6:30 AM I was catching a flight, everyone was quite and the person sitting next to me was already asleep. Great time for my morning devotion “The Upper Room” after finishing I got very still and prayed to Jesus to take away my burden. The anger I was holding on too because it was changing who God wanted me to be. I was not a compassionate and understanding person willing to listen when a friend needed someone to talk to about accountability when they have made a poor choice. When the one hour flight was over Jesus had taken away my burden and I was no longer angry. While waiting for my connecting flight I texted Linda on WhatsApp to tell her the news good that Jesus has healed my broken heart and that I was ready to listen not judge and love. That my first reaction was not my best example of christian values and that I was being selfish and only thinking of my feeling not her’s who was asking for help. God can help us if we open our hearts and mind and follow him. I pray and hope we both haven’t permanently damaged our future but we give each other the benefits of the doubt to correct our mistakes and misunderstanding and not judge each other so harshly. Your friend in Christ

    • Hi, William. I LOVE it when God does things like He did in your story! I consider it a miracle each time He intervenes in my heart. Thank you for dropping by … I hope you do so again (and again).

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