
Keep praying — 10 Comments

  1. My co-workers would very often trash talk about the President for whom I voted. It’s precisely this verse that I continually pray for all who are in authority including our first responders and law enforcement officers.

    • Hi, Fellowbeliever. It’s difficult living and working in a hostile world. Which is why we as Christ-followers must live and love differently. Whether your coworkers know it or not, they’re blessed to have you. Hopefully your behavior will be a witness. Thank you for stopping by again, FellowBeliever.

  2. I don’t think, I know you are right. I will pray that God leads them, if Trump doesn’t get back in. Thank you

  3. Great points. Praying for our leaders is biblical, no matter what happens in this election, we are called to pray and love everyone, even those we disagree with. Thanks Sheryl! ❤

  4. Sheryl, I enjoying reading your articles so much. Something about each article you write, touches my heart to some degree each time. Please keep them coming. You are a wonderful writer and you have such talent.

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