Hebrews 12:1-2 (NASB)

1 … let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

2fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, …

If you find yourself struggling to overcome habits or choices that seem to have control over you – the behaviors that destroy your Christian witness, hinders you from living a productive life, or any choices that don’t honor God – then welcome to this page! You are not alone.

Share a goal, struggle, prayer request or leave a comment to build up someone else as we seek to overcome addictions and/or bad habits. (Examples – but not limited to: alcohol, drugs, pornography, sexual immorality, eating disorders, even watching too much TV!) You can use a pseudonym (fake name) if you want. Please no graphic detail. Do not glorify the sin.

(You can also scroll to the bottom of the page to find links to posts on this subject.)


Overcoming Addictive Behavior (Including Eating Disorders) — 8 Comments

  1. Go to the cross for it was all done for us He saved us at the cross we got justification at the cross and deliverance.Jesus did it all for us.Not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord. I have been heal by the Lord Jesus and delivered. Go to the cross Of Jesus live at the cross for that is where you see all that he done

  2. After I celebrated 10 years of “sobriety and healing” March 2022 from a 30 year eating disorder, I want to encourage anyone suffering there is hope. Praying for God’s help is the first step. God will bring intervention, sometimes it is in the middle of suffering, sometimes it is bringing us to rock bottom, sometimes it is bringing the right person to help you. And then praying for God to help you have the ears to listen, the eyes to see, and the courage to do the work. I stole that line from somewhere I am sure. In my case it was all of the above. If you are suffering there is hope and it is possible.

    • Amen! I rejoice with you, KT.
      Thank you for sharing. AND please drop by Today Can Be Different again. I hope you find encouragement in the posts.

    • KT. congratulations on your 10 years of “sobriety and healing”! My eating disorder is that while growing up, I had eaten the American “super-size it” when I was younger, and carried it over into my older years. I would love to connect with you, someone that knows the struggles. I have overcome smoking, and other bad habits and I am giving God glory for the strength to overcome that addiction. Smoking was huge for me. It was my go to when stressed, my after dinner desert. If I could give up food, I would, but it is a necessity of life! Food is popular in church functions, family time, and it is mostly high carbs, processed foods. The happy feel good foods. I am not sure how we would go about connecting. If you decided to do so, reply and I will be back in touch with you.

      • Hello, Beverly. Welcome to Today Can Be Different!
        I hope you and KT do connect. I pray you do.
        Also, Beverly, if you use the Search Field (upper right-hand corner on my blog) and type in eating disorder, you will find several posts I’ve written about the subject.
        I struggled with eating disorders most of my adult life.
        Thank you again for stopping by – and for subscribing! AND please do keep in touch, Beverly.

    • KT, I would love to connect. I have struggled with my eating disorder for 30 plus years and I just don’t understand the concept of surrender. I’m scared, I’m tired, and my relationship with God suffers so much from the shame and unworthiness I feel for choosing an idol over Him every day. I want a new way but I don’t even know how at this point.

  3. KT, I would love to connect. I have struggled with my eating disorder for 30 plus years and I just don’t understand the concept of surrender. I’m scared, I’m tired, and my relationship with God suffers so much from the shame and unworthiness I feel for choosing an idol over Him every day. I want a new way but I don’t even know how at this point.

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