
Are We Addicted to Snark? — 9 Comments

  1. This used to be me. Thankfully I had Christian brothers and sisters gently point out my errors and point me in the right direction. If we truly belong to God we should recognize godly rebuke. We should certainly recognize our sins when they are pointed out. “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me.” We may stray for a season, but a true child of God does not keep on sinning.

    • Great comment, Barbara. I appreciate your humility.
      Truth be told, I have also benefited from godly rebuke many a time.
      It’s so nice to see you here again, Barbara!

      • Thank you Sheryl and thank you for your godly rebuke in times when I needed it. You are a faithful servant of Christ.

  2. Thank you Sheryl and thank you for your godly rebuke in times when I needed it. You are a faithful servant of Christ.

  3. Thank you! This is something I struggle with even when it doesn’t come out of my mouth, quite often it is in my head!

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