
Growing Spiritually at Red Lights — 12 Comments

  1. I love this idea! I want to try this. I often pray as I wait somewhere or while I am driving. I would like to give this a try to see if it can help me remember scripture verses. It’s hard to hold things in my memory but the repetition of this will hopefully help. Thanks for sharing

    • You nailed it, Karen! It’s the repetition that makes it work.
      Let me know how this works for you! AND how it changes you – and your relationships (including with God!).
      Thank you for dropping by, Karen. Please do it again.

  2. Oh I love this! This is so true. Meditating and memorizing scripture by writing them on index cards has helped me a great deal. I used to carry them with me when I walked and practiced trying to memorize them. This is an excellent discipline to develop. I’m trying to get back into this habit. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement.

    • You’re so welcome, Barbara. Thank you for letting me know that this devotion helped. And to be honest, I, too, can do better with meditating on scripture!
      AND thank you, Barbara, for sharing this devotion on your FB page.

  3. I read If today could be different blog today and it was so impactful to me. I haven’t handled life’s disappointments very well iin the past but I’m better than I use to be. Reading Sheryl’s blog touched my heart today. Instead of me falling back into the old way I handled them I’m taking them to God. Praying and reading scripture and asking the Holly Spirit to show me the truth when I get disappointed. Her blog made me think more about that and was a comfort to me.

    • Hi, Patrice. Welcome to the Today Can Be Different blog.
      THANK you for taking the time to read my post – and leaving a comment. It always encourages me to hear how God uses my devotions.
      Patrice, you’re not alone. We can all do better in the way we handle life’s disappointments. I praise God for the people who taught me the importance of memorizing and meditating on His Word. It changed me.
      Thanks again, Patrice.
      Please drop by again in the near future!!

  4. Thank you Sheryl, I can certainly relate to everything in your article I have all of my favorite verses underlined and have to go to them quite often

    • Great to hear that you have all your favorite verses underlined.
      The secret is the next part of your statement: Going to them quite often!!
      Keep it up. And pray that I become even more diligent in meditating on God’s Word.
      AND thank you so much for stopping by! Hope to see you at the Today Can Be Different blog often, Melanie.

    • Hi, Gary. I totally agree: we gain more and more understanding as we ponder God’s Word throughout the day.
      Thank you so much for stopping by!! (And thank you for the compliment.)

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