God’s Grace Is Real
No matter how much you’ve sinned, God’s grace is greater. The prodigal son thought he had lost everything, but his father ran to meet him with open arms. This is exactly how God feels about you.
Continue reading →No matter how much you’ve sinned, God’s grace is greater. The prodigal son thought he had lost everything, but his father ran to meet him with open arms. This is exactly how God feels about you.
Continue reading →What might our marriage look like by the end of 2025 if we keep nitpicking and overreacting to every flaw? Could our relationship become so strained that no resolution could repair the damage? Heaven forbid.
Continue reading →Consider how wretched our lives would be – how wretched our very self would be – if we couldn’t go to our heavenly Father when we feel like a failure and are at our weakest. Think how long our sleepless nights would be if God withheld His loving presence when we desperately needed to experience His nearness.
Continue reading →In my last column, I mentioned how important an accountability partner or group can be in leaving our old life behind so we can grow spiritually. Going it alone is so much more difficult. We need someone in our corner who’s praying and encouraging us to choose God-honoring behavior.
Continue reading →When we put the needs of others ahead of our own, we demonstrate God’s love. Sadly, we notice people disregarding our needs and rights much quicker than we notice ourselves failing to consider theirs.
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