Are You Ready to Take That Step Toward God?
Is it time for you to rise and go to your heavenly Father? Wouldn’t now be a good time to take that first step toward a closer relationship with God?
Continue reading →Is it time for you to rise and go to your heavenly Father? Wouldn’t now be a good time to take that first step toward a closer relationship with God?
Continue reading →How different would we feel about ourselves (and, more importantly, others) if we abided (lingered, remained) in God’s incredible love? Perhaps it would help us see others as people who need to know God’s love too. Maybe it would motivate us to actively love those with whom we work and live with the same way God loves us.
Continue reading →One of the easiest ways to spend time with God is to read the Bible. Perhaps this year, you resolved to read through the Bible in a year, but you’ve already fallen so far behind that you’ll never catch up. Here’s an idea: Set your timer to read your Bible for five minutes every day. …
Continue reading →When God looks at us, His children, He sees people who mess up and need guidance and correction on a daily basis. He sees people who sometimes fear we’ll never live up to our potential or be the Christ-followers we long to be.
Continue reading →During the next several weeks, let’s see how much we can grow while meditating on Romans 6, a tremendous chapter that calls us to purity and holiness. And let’s invite someone (or someones) to go on the journey with us.
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