
The real enemy in your marriage — 4 Comments

    • Amen! Therefore, we must fight for our marriage – not against it.
      Thank you, Barbara. (AND thank you for sharing this post on your FB page – AND FOR stopping by TDCB to leave a comment!)

  1. Sheryl, Thanks for your honesty. We are blessed with 60 years married in September. Yet, the enemy would seek to distract us and try to separate us from God. We struggle with pride and patience issues. Thankfully, we always find our way back, all praise to God! Greater than all our fears, His word promises us He will always be with us, (Joshua 1:9), among others (Isaiah 41;10.

    • And I thank you for your honesty, as well, Sharri. Marriage is tough. Real tough at times.
      But praise God for His faithfulness in helping us to “find our way back!

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