
When We Envy To The Point Of Sinning — 15 Comments

  1. Oh, I’ve been there and was for many years. It took a long time to get over my regrets and kind of start over. It was like getting a face lift to resemble somebody else. My outward appearance is basically tge same, quite a bit older now, but the inward has been transformed by the grace of God. How I wish I could go back and redo my past. Now I live with Jesus every day.

    • I often wish I could go back and redo years of my past, Sandra. Like you, however, I’m thankful for God’s transformative work in me!
      Thank you for your faithfulness in stopping by Today Can Be Different and leaving a comment, Sandra.

  2. I’m so sorry that you had to endure missing your small children, Sheryl; I’m sure that was very difficult as a mother for you. My envy sin was probably seeing all my church friends having their husbands in church with them! It’s been over 30 years that I’ve been going to church without my husband, and that I believe effected my children in their walk with the Lord, but as my husband’s heart has softened, I know God has a plan. One of my sons has lost his way spiritually, but I believe God has a plan for him as well. My faith has grown stronger because of it, and I know the Lord will take care of the rest! I’m not in control of this, and I have to depend on God’s perfect timing and promises for both of them! Thanks for sharing your difficult challenges in life that have made you into the woman of God you are today!️

  3. I have felt hurt and anger at times over seeing others seemingly receive more outward material blessings than I have received. I have not treated others badly over it, but felt lack of contentment and felt that God had something against me. With age and maturity I have better understanding of God’s economy where less is more, the last are first, unseen is more important than seen, and we were made for His purposes rather than for working to collect what pleases us.He wants us to be about His business and not our own.

    I felt sad reading of your separation from your children. Now I see how suffering like that develops compassipn in us so God does not wasye the suffering. He grows our hearts through it. That is an unseen treasure owned for eternity.

      • Hello, Janice. I agree totally. Only a wise, compassionate and powerful God could transform our painful seasons into something useable and beautiful ~ including transforming our hearts (and attitudes).
        Thank you, again, for stopping by, Janice. I always appreciate your comments.

  4. A brilliant response. I can relate but I’ve learnt a lot over the years.
    I’m a changed person because of Jesus and messages such as these.

  5. When I first saw the title, no particular envy came to mind. However, after reading the responses I see the theme as regrets and change. There are many things I wish I could have done differently and many past mistakes made. However, I cannot change them and so I must not let them dominate my present and future. More situations, challenges, and options will arise. I need to be aware to address them in a way that won’t be regretful later on, but sometimes that is difficult because we do not know the outcome. Just keep trying and don’t let regrets get in the way of progress to improve.

    • Hello, Robert. Our regrets cover several areas, don’t they? Including our behavior and words when we act out of our insecurities.
      However, as you said in your comment, we must not let our past behavior dominate our present or our future. Because (as you also said) more situations will arise!
      Thank you, as always, for your insights, Robert.

  6. I can relate about regrets. I no longer live in the past but would love a do over. Isn’t it amazing that we’ve been forgiven?

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