
When We’re Not “Treated Right” — 9 Comments

  1. I know I have been there, done that! These moments are tricky. I once heard teaching from Joseph Stowell (sp?) about grace moments, times we either show anger or grace. But the scene with the cashier was also a teachable moment for all involved. Maybe a practiced response not so short and snappy would be more appropriate next time. “I hate to interupt a good time, but I really need some help here, and so do the others in line.” I don’t know if it would work or not, but if not, I would report the cashier to the manager. Some people are clueless and need to know.

    God disciplines those He loves.It takes time and care to discipline but in the long run, it results in a more loving and smoothly running society.

  2. I can say that I’m ashamed of my past behavior in a lot of areas. Through a lot of prayer, I’ve finally developed the habit of kindness and patience.
    It took a lot of work through payers throughout the day and even night. I’m not perfect but the difference is remarkable and even my husband has noticed. We haven’t had an argument for a long time now.
    What a blessing from the Lord. Only through Him have things greatly improved.

  3. He has made all the difference in my world. It’s amazing and thrilling life changes can make dye to prayer and faith.

  4. As usual, Sheryl, I’m convicted by my impatience in lines, and when I was younger could be indignant about it. Now that I’m older, retired and have more time, though, and God has worked on me being more patient and kind, I’ve come a long way in this regard! Thanks again for making scripture applicable in our every day lives!

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