
A Different Kind Of Father’s Day Challenge — 13 Comments

  1. A wonderful message. Since my relationship with my earthly father was non-existent, my Heavenly Father is my true Father.
    Every morning, I write live letters to my Father in a journal and close the day with a grateful journal. I write 3 things that I am/was grateful for.
    It’s a perfect way to begin the day and end it.

  2. “ Could it be because when we take our focus off our feelings, our mundane tasks, our trials – off us – and place our focus on Someone so big, powerful, and loving, we see everyone and everything differently?”

    I agree completely! Our focus is so important. Too often we look at our circumstances or others or even ourselves when we need to be looking at Jesus and focusing on him.

    • Indeed! Indeed. Thank you, Barbara, for stopping by Today Can Be Different. Your faithfulness means a lot.

    • I stopped by again to THANK you for sharing this devotion on your Facebook page, Barbara. You are a blessing.

  3. <3 Sheryl, thank you for your marvelous, insightful blog message for this week as you focus our hearts on thanking our loving Father for His love and work in our lives. As I pause to reflect on your beginning words and echo them, I also have a happy heart. Your words later in the message: "The simple act of expressing my love for God – for the all-powerful, yet all-merciful, God – gives me a broader view of God’s sovereignty in the midst of a trial. And it enables me to see my earthly relationships better, including my part in conflicts. My outlook and mood become brighter, more joyful and hope-filled." I add, Amen and Amen! <3 Sharing on my Timeline. <3

    • Thank you so much, Joyce. Recognizing our love for our heavenly Father – and telling Him how much we love Him – brings joy to us AND to God.
      And, thank you again for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page!

  4. I love your message and I really am going to try and do the Father’s Day challenge and let God know just how much I love him and need him in my life and how much he has done for me and change my life thank you for your words

  5. I’m going to try the Father’s Day challenge and let God know just how much I love him and need him and how much he has changed my life I really love your blog

    • Hello, Kalene. Welcome to Today Can Be Different!
      Thank you for your comments – and for your compliment. I’m glad you’re going to try the Father’s Day “Tell God You Love Him” challenge. Let us know how it changes your relationship with God – and your life.
      Please drop by again often!

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