
Do You Want A Marriage That Inspires Others? — 16 Comments

  1. Today my husband, Larry, and I celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary! I’m ALWAYS grateful for the ways the Holy Spirit gets my attention. Thank you for your blog this morning.

    • Hi, Cindi. Congratulations on your 55th wedding anniversary. Yay! And I am so with you: I love all the ways the Holy Spirit gets my attention, too.
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different, Cindi. I hope you stop by often.

  2. <3 Sheryl, thank you for your insightful, encouraging blog message. After coming to Jesus as my Savior at the age of 12, I went on to live 40-years as a prodigal (22 – 62), with a very stubborn unbeliever. After his death in 2003, I did not think I would marry again. God certainly had other plans and guided me into a new marriage at the age of 64 when He blessed me with a truly godly man. He used my new husband to bring me out of my prodigal wanderings, back into His loving arms. I am so thankful for His continuing work in our lives. Amen! <3 Sharing your wonderful message on my Timeline! <3

    • Wow! What a story. And what a testimony! Thank you for sharing your story with us, Joyce. And thank you so much for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page!

  3. It is a continual work in progress to surrender Mike to God and wait patiently on Him as I walk alone in my journey -often not strong enough because I want Mike to walk it with me. I do believe he loves God and is saved, but no desire to grow or voice his faith

    • Hi, Judy. You are so very correct: it is a continual work in progress, indeed!
      Bert has come a long way. However, just as is true with me, God is not finished with him. I often have to recommit my trust in my heavenly Father that He loves my husband much more than I do – and knows exactly how to reach him. Please pray for me, as I will pray for you, Judy.
      Thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different. I love seeing you!

  4. A wonderful post.
    After years of bickering with my husband,I prayed diligently for the Lord to help me hold my tongue. With many prayers and tears the Lord granted it.
    Even though I’m married to an unbeliever, our marriage is back to where it should be. It took a lot of effort but it paid off.
    The Lord is awesome

  5. Hello my sweet friend! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I would like to receive these though my email.

    • Wow! Every blogger loves to hear a request like yours, Susan.
      Simply scroll up to the top of this page (right-hand side) and put in your email address at the place provided. Then click on “Subscribe”. Thank you again!

  6. Ephesians 4:1-2 (ESV): Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.”

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