
A Verse That Could Transform Your Marriage — 12 Comments

  1. This is a wonderful point. I use the word ‘filter’ as if I want to let the so called rubbish of my mouth sink to the bottom before I comment. This has made all the difference in my marriage for over a year now.
    I also like ‘freezw’ what a wonderful short word with a big meaning.

  2. Good morning Lady! I love this verse. I know so many times in different situations. I ask God to putboth hands over my mouth. So that I may stop and think before I speak. If i would not want it said to me. Then don’t say it to someone else. God bless you. I am praying for you my friend.

    • That is a great rule to follow, Susan: “Stop and think before [we] speak. If i would not want it said to me. Then don’t say it to someone else.”
      And thank you so much for your prayers!

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