
The First Step Towards A Better Marriage — 10 Comments

    • Thank you so much, Barbara. I pray my message will minister to all relationships.
      I always appreciate it when you drop by, Barbara. Thank you.

  1. A great message.
    It’s not too late to restore your marriage.
    It happened to us several years ago when I prayed non stop to help us stop quarreling.
    Through my prayers, God not only heard my prayers but restored our marriage.
    I’m married to a non-believer so that made my desire for change critical. I can happily say that a miracle took place and we actually enjoy each other’s company.

    • I ALWAYS appreciate hearing your testimony of how God transformed you – and your marriage – when you allowed Him to change you, Sandra! Please pray for me (and others) that we will completely surrender our words (and thoughts) to God.

  2. It’s takes a lot of determination to gradually make changes. At first as I was changing through Jesus, I’d walk away from confrontation and if my husband wanted to argue then he could argue with himself. Moving forward to now, a miracle took place in our home.
    I will pray for those struggling.

    • Thank you, Sandra! I pray we will daily experience God’s presence in our marriages – and in all our relationships.

  3. This is such good advice. I wonder if my parents had had guidance such as this or if I had had guidance such as this, if my first marriage would’ve lasted. I know my current relationship of 10 years has so benefited from the commitment of my partner Don that brought us through many times I’d given up. When the relationship is working its because I’ve taken the time to be grateful for his commitment and for all he does for me and to tell him so. And, when I have doubts, I have to struggle to remember that love… is ever ready to belive the best of every person. I practice self care and then see how good he is to me.

    • Hello, Elizabeth. WELCOME to Today Can Be Different.
      I too wonder how differently my first marriage would have been had I practiced 1 Corinthians 13:7b, too.
      Thankfully, we can learn from the past and trust God to continue His work in us!
      Please tell Don hello for me and how impressed I am with the way he practices commitment.
      Thank you for stopping by, Elizabeth. I hope you do so often.

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