
Would I have chosen abortion if I had been in your situation? — 6 Comments

  1. Excellent article Sheryl. We need to let the world know we care about these women and that we care about children of all ages. The world has a lot of misinformation about us.

    • Thank you so much, Barbara. I pray (I really do pray) that God will use it for His purposes. I hope (I really do hope)it will help those in a “crisis” pregnancy ~ and all who defend life.
      (And thank you, Barbara, for sharing my article on your FB page.)

  2. Thank you for this graceful post. A few of your articles have caught my eye in the Perry newspaper and your honesty is always appreciated. I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that your words are traveling and doing work.

    • When I read your comment, Loren, I thanked God. You have no idea how much it encourages me to hear from my readers. Please pray for me as I continue to write that God will use my writing for His purposes. For His glory.

  3. These are all difficult questions for a young girl who has found herself in this predicament. I’d like to think after hearing a heart beat, I also would have made the same choice, as well. My period was late once, and I escaped reality by sleeping more and truly being depressed, as I was in the last semester of nursing, but God intervened for me, knowing it would have crushed me to be in this situation, and I don’t know how I would have handled it. I finally had a late period at 6 weeks. To this day, I never knew what I would have done. That’s why I have compassion for the young women in this situation. It could have been me!

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