
Cold Fronts Can Destroy Relationships — 12 Comments

  1. It can be really bad to react in a negative way but through prayer and help from Jesus, a person can learn to react differently. It will take a lot of time and patience. Like we say that Rone wasn’t built in a day.

  2. This is something God and I are constantly working on.I pray God help keep both hands over my mouth. Let me stop and think and speak the words you would have me say not my own. It is a continued work in progress minute by minute,

    • Haha. I love the way you said, “This is something God and I are constantly working on.” And your honesty when you added, “I pray God help keep both hands over my mouth.” I SO identify, Susan!

  3. I think community rudeness is at an all time high and off the charts. I hate to go out anywhere. However, remember that, as Christians, we live in the world, but are not part of it. We must be aware that our responses are presented in a way the world may not encourage or recognize.

    • Indeed, Robert. Plus, our loving, respectful responses can change the tone of the conflict!
      It’s always nice to see you, Robert, at Today Can Be Different. Thank you for your comments.

  4. There are many times because of my personality that I’ve been rude because of my personality and I’ve had to ask for forgiveness, I’m embarrassed to admit, but God can change our behaviors when we depend on Him to soften our hearts towards Him and others! I’m living proof. Now don’t get me wrong, I still have my moments, and haven’t arrived, believe me, I still have room for improvement! Good one! Thanks Sheryl!✝️

    • Wow!! Once again, I see so much of you in me, Kim. I have reacted exactly the same way due to my rude personality. Praise God that He is continuing His work in both of us!

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