
Allowing Others To Merge Onto Our “Highway” — 7 Comments

  1. This is a wonderful devo for today! I love the analogy you used. Yes, I have issue with people who do that, especially my husband! They have a different mindset about how to do stressful traffic situations. Grace is always the best route for it is following in the example of Jesus.I rather feel good about myself for practicing following Jesus more closely than for patting myself on my back for self-righteous behavior.

    • Amen, Janice. But isn’t it scary how easily we fall into self-righteous behavior? We do it – and sadly feel self-righteous about our self-righteousness. 🙁
      And thank you for the compliment, Janice!

  2. Wow! Can I relate. Over the past two years I’ve changed in my fellowship with Jesus and my whole attitude.
    However, I must admit that I have little tolerance for those who cut in front of me and try to take my place.
    By bringing it to our attention, I’m now going to see it as a challenge to just let that person slip in. I’ve never thought about before so let the challenge begin.

    • I’m with you, Sandra. I share your frustration with people cutting in front of me ~ but desire to develop a more Christlike attitude. Let’s pray for each other!

  3. It’s so important to think of others and their needs before our own. Joy in the moment, too, no matter what our circumstances! Thanks Sheryl!✝️

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