
Do You Know How Much God Loves You? — 8 Comments

  1. I remember the first time I read this scripture; I was amazed. I had earthly father issues and they were transferred to my Heavenly Father. I always prayed to Jesus; but, I avoided the Father. I was afraid. This scripture brought me much healing.
    “… for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.”
    John 16:27

    Your post is right on target. How can we even comprehend such love. I woke up this morning thanking him for his mercies. He has been so merciful to me and my family.

    • Amen!! Amen! God’s love for us is SO wonderful. Beyond our comprehension. As are His mercies!!
      I love your comment, Barbara. I praise God for all He continues to do in you (and in me).

  2. Sheryl Hilker Hamilton Boldt here is another one of my favorite and amazing scriptures beyond comprehension. See the last part: I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me. John 17:23

    The Father loves us as he loves Jesus. I can’t wrap my mind around that; but I love trying. I know you have limited space in your blog and can only address so much. I love adding supporting scriptures in the comments

    • And I always appreciate it when you do, Barbara. By the way, I spoke about the very point you brought up about Jesus loving us as God loves Him (using John 15:9: (ESV): As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Abide in My love) at one of my ladies accountability meetings last year.
      I agree . . . it’s so hard to get our heads around such amazing love!!

  3. Sheryl, thank you for your insightful blog message pointing us to God’s unconditional, unending love for us. Your focus today gives us much to think about. In your words: “. . . we will never fully comprehend how much our heavenly Father loves us. How could we ever grasp its vastness?” I agree! Sometimes we don’t feel we really deserve His love, perhaps because we dwell on our shortcomings and faults and, in those foolish, feeble moments, we deprive ourselvess of one of His greatest joys: His LOVE for us. May we be thankful for His forever love for us and receive it with hearts ready to pass it on to others! Amen! ❤ [Honored to share on my Timeline and on our community page: A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry.]

    • Amen! LOVE your well-stated perspective, Joyce. And thank you again for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page – and on A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page!

  4. Although I may not fully comprehend His love for me, I do know He will leave the 99 to come after me – I find comfort in that knowledge.

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