
When We’re Desperate To Be Valued — 11 Comments

  1. Sheryl, thank you for your insightful blog message pointing us to sharing God’s love with those who may need it the most. Your focus today gives us much to think about. In your words: “Because God loves and cherishes us, even with all the chips we shoulder, we find comfort, security and stability in Him. In gratitude, we can stop dwelling on our bottomless need for validation and ask our heavenly Father to show us people who also need to feel loved.” May we take the time to reach out to others every day with His love and encouragement. In doing that, we may forget our own need for validation and help change their perspective as well. May we be thankful for His forever love for us! Amen! ❤ [Honored to share on my Timeline and on our community page: A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry.]

    • Well said, Joyce. Especially “May we take the time to reach out to others every day with His love and encouragement. In doing that, we may forget our own need for validation and help change their perspective as well.”
      And thank you for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page and the A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page!

    • You’re so welcome, Judy. To be very honest, I needed this very message too! 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different. I always love it when you do.

  2. I’m thankful for Teri. She sounds like a wise lady. And I’m thankful for you because you heard and received the truth. This is a lesson most of us have needed to learn and perhaps be reminded of at times. Too often we focus on self when we should certainly be focusing on Christ and looking for others who need comforting and compassion. It really makes a huge difference when we’re a doer of the word and not a hearer only. Thank you for sharing your heart.

    • Thank you, Barbara! I too am thankful for my sister, Teri, for her wise counsel – and for being a great sister.
      I’m also thankful for your great comment and kind words, Barbara.

  3. I remember the year I lost my job due to AI, I was feeling quite discouraged. What helped me most to stay focused on God’s promises and to trust Him was to focus on blessing others and filling up with worship music – singing Thanksgiving back to Him! It really does work (I’m a living testimony to that) to focus on blessing others.

    • I’m sorry to hear about your losing your job, Cheri. But I’m encouraged that you were able to stay focused on God and His promises — and on blessing others!! Well done.
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different, Cheri. We hope to see you often.

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