
Do You Love Your Sin More Than You Love God? — 2 Comments

  1. This is so good Sheryl! I wanted to highlight everything you said but that would defeat the purpose; so I chose these two thoughts:
    “ Do some of your actions contradict your commitment to your Savior? Do some of your choices indicate that you don’t love God as much as you say you do?”
    If our actions are not lining up to God’s word we need to RUN to the Mercy Seat to receive grace and mercy. And accountability is so important. Especially when we have sins we can’t seem to overcome. Confessing them to someone else can really make a difference to us being set free from our sin or continuing in our sin. And we can certainly come up with lies to tell ourselves about our sins. We tend to whitewash our sins and demonize the sins of others. But we will all stand before God and nothing will be hidden.

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