
Does God Tire Of Our Constant Repenting? — 6 Comments

  1. Sometimes it is easy for me to be critical in the way my spouse goes about doing things that are different than the way I would do them. I lived in a controlling environment growing up and I can revert back to that mentality, if I’m not careful. I’m so glad that God forgives me when I fall back into this way of thinking every time I’m aware of it happening again through the conviction of the Holy Spirit! Thanks Sheryl!✝️️

  2. Sheryl I am so thankful we can go to our Heavenly Father and ask forgiveness for our sins daily. You and I both know the only one that walked this earth was our Lord Jesus Christ. So thankful for his sacrifice for our sins on the cross and, He sits on the right hand of our Heavenly Father.

    • Amen, Susan!! Jesus was the only one Who never sinned ~ yet was tempted just as we are.
      Praise God for His amazing love for us – each and every time we repent of our sins.

  3. Your devotions are so inspiring, Sheryl. They are a Godsend; you wrote them but it is God who sends them!

    • You are so kind, Carlos. Thank you so much.
      Please pray for me as I write. I pray to write as He directs – always.

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