
The Emotional Toll of Abortions on Fathers — 6 Comments

  1. We often focus on those who have been victims of abortion – innocent babies, of course, and their mothers. But we rarely hear about how this tragedy affects dads.

  2. I know a man that was affected by abortion. It had a profound affect on him. Very sad. You are correct that men can struggle with this too.

    • Hi, Cheryl. Until I researched to write this post, I honestly (and ignorantly) never thought much about the dads whose babies were lost to abortion. Obviously, my awareness has changed.
      THANK you for stopping by Today Can Be Different! It means a lot every time.

  3. January 19 is National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. If you are pro-life, please pray for every woman who’s had an abortion and for every “mother with child” who’s considering an abortion. But don’t forget the dads (and grandparents) who have lost a child through abortion. Remember, they’re suffering too.

  4. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted of grandfathers of which I am one who could have had more grandchildren. Still, I am thankful for the six I have now. I pray for those who do not have any and desire to have one.

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