
Experience God’s Presence This Thanksgiving Season — 14 Comments

  1. I Love sharing these devotions to a very needy Country and I believe that our GOD is pleased as well . Thank you Sister for letting me share your Beautiful Memes ❤

    • I appreciate your kind words and encouragement, Michael!
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different. I hope you stop by often.

  2. Sensing God’s presence, one of my greatest desires is that others know His love through me. I think it’s something we have to constantly be aware of. I have known some people who just radiate God’s love, and it makes you feel like you’re home the second you walk in the church door. It would be lovely if every one of God’s churches was filled with people like that. ☺️

    • That would be lovely indeed, Sheila. LOVE your comment.
      Thank you so much for stopping by Today Can Be Different. I’ve been missing you!

  3. This post is right on Sheryl. It is something I need to be reminded of often which is making a point of loving others with my actions regardless of how they are acting towards me. That is the difficult part. There always seem to be people who make it difficult to love them. If I’m honest I know that sometimes I’m difficult to love which is a sin. I’m working on it though. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Wow! I appreciate your transparency, once again, Barbara. We can pray for each other!!
      Love you, my friend. I’ve been missing seeing you at Today Can Be Different.

  4. Living in Greece, the one holiday I really miss is Thanksgiving. Living here since 1982, I’ve always worked on that day but celebrate in my heart.
    I do share the meaning of Thanksgiving to my students and family.
    It’s a special time to spend with family ot those you love.
    Your message was very relevant.

    • Hello, Sandra! It’s always so nice to hear from you.
      I’m glad you have a history of celebrating Thanksgiving when you lived in America so you can share its beautiful meaning with others in Greece.
      I will pray for you as you share the heart of being thankful to your students and family.
      God bless you, once again, this Thanksgiving season … in Greece!

  5. This is so right on every point you made, Sheryl! Even though life can be stressful, even disagreeable and divisive at times even among our own family members, we need to love one another as Christ loves us despite our differences! Do others see Christ in us when they are looking at our behavior, or do we just act like everyone else? This can be convicting! Let’s give thanks this season and love one another!

    • Amen!! A thankful heart bears much positive fruit, doesn’t it, Kim? Including – especially – in our relationships.

  6. Not sure why my blog keeps going offline. Sorry about that.
    Thankfully, Today Can Be Different is live, once again!

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