
Fair wages — 9 Comments

  1. Sheryl,
    Wow, very poignant. We tend to forget the awful facts about the physical torture that Jesus endured, for us. It’s so hard to imagine. But if we understand and realize what He did, the gift of eternal life is so precious. Thanks for making it abundantly clear!

    • Hi, Chris. Indeed. It’s quite sobering, isn’t it? We will never comprehend all Jesus suffered for us. We will never grasp how much He loves us.
      Thank you SO much for stopping by Today Can Be Different, Chris,
      and for taking the time to leave a comment.

  2. When I think about the torture Christ willingly suffered for me, I marvel. I am so not worth it. Yet he did it anyway. Amazing love, how can it be, that thou, my God, wouldst die for me? Thanks for the reminder today.

    • Amazing love, indeed. How can we begin to grasp God’s incredible love for us?
      And thank you again, Lori, for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.

    • Thank YOU, Rosemarie, for your kind words. I pray always that my posts will minister to those who read them. By the way, I received your email about receiving a message “there’s an error when subscribing” each time you tried to subscribe. I am having someone look into that. THANK you so much for wanting to subscribe to Today Can Be Different. I hope the problem will be resolved soon.
      God bless you, Rosemarie. Please stay in touch.

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