
God’s Still Working On Us — 8 Comments

  1. In many ways I am better than I was ten years ago. In some ways I’m worse. Some differences? I stay home more,don’t attend church,am less involved with other people,have deepened physical issues that make getting around more difficult. Results?
    I’m more peaceful and less bothered. When my wife speaks harshly to me all my peace goes away. How to deal with this more effectively is the top challenge for my day. This teaching helps me a lot to see how God is patiently working on her as well as me. Allowing room for this to happen is key to my spirit health. Thanks for the post!

    • Hello, Joe. It’s nice to see you again.
      First, thank you for reminding us wives how destructive our harsh words are to our husbands. 🙁
      Second, I’m thankful God is using my message. Truthfully, He often teaches (and convicts me) as I write!

      • Being the honest person I am (I’m a lot better since sobriety took over 21 years ago) I look at how I contribute to a given situation or conflict. An old teaching comes back to me about dwelling together in knowledge. When presented with a truth I address it as best I can. Progress,not perfection,is what keeps me on a more even keel.

    • To me this will cause me to view them with a lot more grace. God is continually working on perfection ring their lives and will continue to do so until he has brought it to an end. He determines the end,not me.

      • (In response to your 8:00 a.m. comment):
        First, congratulations on 21 years of sobriety, Joe!
        Second, it is always wise (and scriptural) to allow the Holy Spirit examine our own hearts, especially when we’re in a conflict with someone or someone(s). Psalm 139:23-24 (AMPC): “Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
        So, well done with that. Joe.

      • (In response to your 8:12 a.m. comment):
        Indeed, Jim. The only way we can have healthy relationships is by viewing people “with a lot more grace”!
        I really appreciate your comments! Thank you.

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