
How Would God Describe You? — 9 Comments

  1. This is such an important scripture to remember and keep before us! Thank you for the reminder!
    Matthew 22:37 (ESV)?
    You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

    Yes Sheryl, this is another important scripture and it brings be great comfort also. And yes, meditating on God’s Word has brought me much healing from distorted thinking.

    “I take comfort in knowing God helps me want to do His will – and constantly works to enable me stay true to Him (Philippians 2:13). Meditating on God’s Word has kept me from giving up when my constant failures made me want to quit.”

    • Thank you for reading my devotion, Barbara, and for taking the time to leave such a great comment here and on my Facebook page. (And thank you for sharing this devotion on your FB page. It means a lot to me.)

  2. Sometimes the best word to use is, “Ditto!” Obviously, I agree with everything that you and Barbara have just been said. Are you sure you are not a carpenter? You always hit everything right on the nail!

    • Thank you SO much, Dave. You’ll never know how much you have encouraged me with your comment.
      And thank you for stopping by! (By the way, how did you find out about the Today Can Be Different blog?)

  3. I have been on your email list for a while, don’t remember how I found it, but glad that I did. Thanks for all you do and your articles. Dave

    • Great to hear!
      Thank you for subscribing to my blog, for reading my posts, and for your encouraging comments.
      Please pray for me as I continue to write, Dave.

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