
Human Trafficking Could Be Happening In Your Community — 7 Comments

  1. Did you see the movie “Sound of Freedom”, Sheryl? It’s about the horrors of human trafficking, and drug cartels and helps bring awareness to it. Unfortunately the United States is where most of this is happening and the open borders aren’t helping with this at all! We need to be aware and in prayer about these human atrocities! The Tim Tebow Foundation also helps in these situations, too!

    • I have heard of – but not yet seen “Sound of Freedom.” Thank you for reminding me about it, Kim. I wonder if it’s possible to see it on Prime.
      I pray more people get involved to end this.
      And thank you so much for stopping by Today Can Be Different!

  2. With 800,000 men, women and children being trafficked (forced into prostitution or involuntary labor) worldwide every year, how long do you think it will be before this heinous crime affects you or someone you care about?

  3. Ii’ll make a point to watch that movie, it’s hard to believe it’s that prevalent. I do read about it every day in the news.

  4. Thanks so much for posting and calling attention to this issue. It’s real. It exists. I live near a busy highway near the border and there are constant human trafficking busts in the community. Even see them by the side of the road. Some of those being trafficked are crammed into vans coming up from the border driven by teenagers recruited to do so. When they try to outrun the police, the results are never good, often resulting in multiple traffice fatalaties. Coworkers and friends have been involved in these accidents with horrific results too graphic to describe. Throughout the community there are “safe spots” at visible public places where their drivers might stop so those being trafficked might escape and call for help. All of this is to say is that it affects entire communities and is not hidden away.

    • Hello, Cactus Farmer.
      You’re right – as sad and horrific human trafficking is – it indeed is real.
      Thank you for giving more insight into this underground evil.
      And welcome to Today Can Be Different, Cactus Farmer. I hope to see you often.

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