
Jesus Suffered Physically and Emotionally on Good Friday — 16 Comments

  1. I don’t know how many years ago I heard a description of what crucifixion does to a human body, along with the beatings and other mistreatment Jesus received prior to the crucifixion. Jesus’s sacrifice became much more meaningful to me. No greater love.

  2. Thank you Jesus for your love,you took all the pain for me,suffered,so that I may be free.Your love is amazing!

  3. Forever grateful to the One who saved my soul from the pit of hell. Not one of us deserved His sacrifice on the cross, but knowing He endured His suffering to the very end helps me know I can do the same. Though my suffering (from chronic pain) pales in comparison to His, I look forward to the day I will see Him face-to-face, to thank Him for His sacrifice and forever worship my Savior and King.

    • Hi, Linda. Welcome to Today Can Be Different.
      I, too, am forever grateful for His amazing love for me. I appreciate your reminding me (and others) that His perseverance in horrific suffering encourages me that I can bear my suffering.
      (Sorry to hear about your chronic pain, Linda. I will be praying for you.)

  4. Amen! Thank you God for sending your son fora sinner as unworthy as me. I think about how he took my place often on the cross. Most of all thankful on the 3rd day he arose and,we have eternal life!

    • Hi, Susan. So NICE to see you on Today Can Be Different.
      And … yes and Amen! How amazing is our God?!! His love for you and me is absolutely inconceivable.
      What a sobering day we observe today, Good Friday, AND the powerful event we celebrate this Sunday!

  5. Help me Lord. I am a born again believer and have everythint in life and yet i feel depressed, unhappy and anxious all the time. I am not sure how long I can hold on.

    • Hi, Julian. Welcome to Today Can Be Different – where I hope you’ll find encouragement.
      I am so sorry you’re going through such a difficult time. I’ve been there.
      Please don’t give up. Are you able to get in touch with a Christian counselor – one who bases their counsel on Scripture? Someone who “hears” you and offers compassionate Biblical counsel?
      In the meanwhile, if you think it could help, try searching my blog for articles on anxiety and depression.
      Please stay in touch.

  6. Thank you for this devotional, Cheryl. In all its gruesome and brutal detail, thank you for this reminder. In my humanness, I may want to turn my head and look away, but the fullness of God’s wonderous love is right in the middle of this horrible brutality.

    As a side note, when I consider these passages, I think of the importance of “self-control” – the last quality listed as part of the fruit of the Spirit. Were I to have been subject to even the smallest sample of this abuse, my human reaction would be a full measure of retaliation, with little thought for self-control. But Jesus, the Son of God bowing to the will of the Father, was able to exercise complete control over His human self that was being so brutalized.

    • Hi, Stephen. Thank you for your great comment – both paragraphs! I, like you, would have turned my head too. AND I, like you, would have retaliated at even a fraction of what Jesus suffered. The more I think about it, the more I’m amazed at the wonders of our Savior.
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different. Please stop by again.

  7. <3 Sheryl, thank you for sharing your April, 2022 message about the crucifixion of God's precious, perfect Son. May we pause to solemnly reflect on your words: "Jesus did nothing to deserve the shame, suffering and sorrow He endured. And we did nothing to deserve His willingness to endure that shame, suffering and sorrow. But I’m eternally thankful He did. Aren’t you?" Let us rejoice as we answer: "Yes" May we lift up our unending thanksgiving and praise for God's plan to save mankind. Such amazing love, indeed! Amen! <3 I am both honored and blessed to share your message on my Timeline. <3

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