
How Much Does God Love You? — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you Sheryl! What a blessing you are! You have a special gift that God has given you to write these beautiful articles! I need to be reminded of God’s love so much here lately and your article has touched me even again today.

  2. I really need this right now. I haven’t been very lovable lately, and letting it drag me down further isn’t helping. Thank you for reminding me that God does, indeed, love me – despite myself.

    • Hi, Paula. I SO understand. I haven’t been very lovely myself more often than I care to admit. I’m glad you realize how destructive it is to dwell in it. And yes!!! – God loves you (and me) despite ourselves!! THANKFULLY.
      Thank you for stopping by. Please stay in touch, Paula.

  3. I can certainly relate Sheryl. Unfortunately for most of my life it was this way. But now I have a greater understanding and I long to see him.

  4. I’m SO glad, Barbara!! We have so much to look forward to!!!!!!!!!!
    AND thank you for sharing this devotion on your FB page, Barbara.

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