
Make 2023 A Better Year — 4 Comments

  1. Thank you Sheryl. I’ve been going through a prolonged dry spell and I see now I need to offer a sacrifice of praise. Dry spells are lonely; but God is faithful. He has brought me through so much already. He will bring me out of my dry spell.

    • He will indeed!!! Thank you for your honest comment, Barbara. I love your transparency.
      AND thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different blog and leaving a comment!! (You help to make my blog look good. )

    • Hello, Melanie! It’s so NICE to hear from you again.
      I pray we all will meditate on Psalm 51:15 – and be encouraged by it.
      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment! I hope we’ll see you often in 2023 at Today Can Be Different.

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