
When Procrastination Stresses You Out — 8 Comments

  1. Sheryl, as you know, I really enjoy your articles and the many times I have met with you. I enjoy all your insight into different things, and do not forget the things you have told us thank you for being part of my life.

  2. Sheryl, thank you for your encouraging and powerful blog message focusing on how procrastination can impact our lives in a negative way. I am honored and blessed to share it on my Timeline to further His kingdom for His divine purpose and glory! Amen! ❤

    • Hello, Joyce. I’ve been preparing for and attending a meeting for the first part of my day, so I’m just now seeing your encouraging comment.AND thank you for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page!

  3. I now to remember the wise old saying:Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today.
    Also,a good job well done.

    • Hello, Sandra. Thank you for the wise old saying AND for the compliment.
      I also very much appreciate your subscribing to my blog!!
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different. I hope to see you often.

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