An Idea for Your Next Bible Reading Time
Think how our quiet times (time we spend praying and reading our Bibles) would change if we also took time to listen to what He says in response to our questions.
Continue reading →Think how our quiet times (time we spend praying and reading our Bibles) would change if we also took time to listen to what He says in response to our questions.
Continue reading →Let’s pretend that time travel were possible, and you, as a baby developing in your mother’s womb, had the ability to reason. What would you have thought if someone told your mom you were just a glob of tissue? Wouldn’t you have been relieved to hear one of those pesky pro-lifers explain that your heart was already beating by the time she was five weeks pregnant?
Continue reading →As mere mortals, we’ll never be able to comprehend the vastness of God’s wisdom. We find it hard to believe that when we pray and study His Word, God gives us, mere humans, a portion of this vast wisdom.
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