
Practice Believing The Best Of Others — 12 Comments

  1. How important this is, as I learned a lesson the hard way years ago.
    Now, I try to utilize your above mentioned technique of saying to persons who are speaking negatively about a person – ‘They must be very upset about …. I’ll pray their (bitterness – disappointment – hurt – anger) gets resolved.’ And then, I really do pray for that person.

    • Excellently said, ML. I am going to copy and paste your comment so I can remember it.
      Welcome to Today Can Be I hope you stop by often!

  2. The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, expands “believes all things” this way: “[Love] is ever ready to believe the best of every person.”

    • Thank you, Becky! I appreciate you stopping by Today Can Be Different.
      I hope to see you again. 🙂

  3. I’m kind of a slow learner in a lot of ways to make my life more like the person God wants me to be.
    In the area of the nessage today, I’ve basically overcome that.
    I have a student who is almost always late so I’ve been thinking about all that she contributes to the class.

    • Your response regarding your student is not only very wise, Sandra, but God-honoring.
      Well done!

  4. I’m kind of a slow learner but have tried to be more like the Lord wants me to be.
    Instead of getting upset with a fee students who are almost always late, O know try and focus on what they can contribute in class.

  5. I love the verse about love where “love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things”! It’s so good to believe the best of others! Thanks Sheryl!

    • Indeed. Imagine the difference it would make in our relationships, Kim. Including in our churches.
      Thank you, as always, for stopping by Kim.

  6. I agree with Kim. Love is a powerful emotion. We all need to love more as well as forgive.

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